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Tips for Starting Your Side Hustle While Staying Healthy

Sheila Johnson

Image via Pexels

Starting your own business while holding down a full-time job can be stressful, but it’s important to remember that you are your most valuable asset, and you need to take care of yourself. Even if you are busy with your side hustle, there are still some ways you can stay healthy and productive. Here are some tips for starting your side hustle while staying healthy.

Get Enough Sleep

If you're working a side hustle, it’s crucial to ensure you’re getting enough sleep. Try to get seven to nine hours every night. Not getting enough sleep at night makes you significantly less productive, even when working on simple tasks.

Find Time for a Workout

Making time to exercise can be challenging if you’re running a business, but it’s essential for keeping your body and mind healthy. Schedule at least 20 minutes of exercise each day, before or after work. Even if you only have time to go on a short walk around your Lancaster, PA neighborhood, try to fit in some activity throughout your day.

Relax by Yourself

Instead of going out to lunch with friends, spend some quality alone time. Go to a cafe or restaurant that’s not too busy to relax and enjoy your food. Or, try meditating at home. Get in a comfortable position on your mat or floor. Close your eyes and focus on breathing in and out slowly.

Turn off Electronics at Night

To keep your mind from thinking about your business constantly and help you sleep better at night, turn off your electronics at least one hour before bedtime and spend that time journaling or reading instead. You’ll thank yourself in the morning when you feel refreshed.

Eat Mindfully

Eating a good, balanced diet is essential for looking after yourself. And if you’re getting a side hustle off the ground while working full-time or studying, then maintaining your health is even more important. A few healthy meals will help keep you going while you’re managing your time effectively and launching a new business venture. Foods rich in protein and fiber will help you feel fuller throughout the day so that you don’t end up reaching for snacks every time hunger pangs hit. Also, avoid too much caffeine and alcohol, as they make it harder to get quality sleep.

Run Your Business With Help

Hiring help for various tasks frees up your own time, helping you give yourself a break and focus on your well-being. Hiring an administrative assistant can ensure you’re handling critical tasks like bookkeeping and scheduling so you have more time to take care of yourself. Hire someone who's organized, has a good track record, and communicates well to ensure your business runs smoothly.

If you want to register your company as an LLC, you can save money by using a formation service instead of hiring a lawyer. Various states have different rules for incorporating an LLC, so check the requirements in Philadelphia before proceeding.

Growing Professionally

Side hustles can be a great way to bring in extra income, grow professionally, and get your foot in the door. But if you’re going to take on a side hustle, you must take care of yourself.

Visit PA Health Advocates, a health insurance agency in Lancaster, PA.

Author: Sheila Johnson was a success story in the corporate world, but her health was another story. She left the corporate world to start her own business, on her own schedule. The newfound freedom and flexibility enabled her to prioritize her health by practicing a daily self-care routine. She created as a place to not only share her story, but inspire others to put their physical and mental health first with a regular wellness routine and daily self-care.


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